Product Catalog

Product Catalog

Welcome to the Konica Minolta SEC product catalog. From the catalog, you can download and register any product** we offer. You can get detailed information on each product by clicking on the product name or the "More Info" link.

It is required that all customers of this site create a Profile. This profile will allow you to log on to the site to download and register products without having to fill out multiple lengthy forms. Please note that you MUST be logged in to Download or Register any product**. Click the Login link in the top right to log in or create your profile.

** Where applicable. Some products, such as add-ins, do not require downloading.

  Product Version Size Download Register More Info
 * Corporate Announcements DEMO * MbDownload*Register*More Info...
 * Dispatcher Phoenix DEMO *9.127.6 MbDownload*Register*More Info...
 * Dispatcher Phoenix MFP Simulator (Online) *--------More Info...
 * Dispatcher Phoenix MFP Simulator (Standalone) *1.033.85 MbDownload*Register*More Info...
 Corporate Announcements1.5.232.07 MbDownload*Register*More Info...
 Dispatcher Phoenix9.127.6 MbDownload*Register*More Info...
 Dispatcher Phoenix Bubble Sheet Generator--867 KbDownload*Register*More Info...
 Dispatcher Phoenix ECM Package9.127.6 MbDownload*Register*More Info...
 Dispatcher Phoenix Education Package9.127.6 MbDownload*Register*More Info...
 Dispatcher Phoenix Finance Package9.127.6 MbDownload*Register*More Info...
 Dispatcher Phoenix Government Package9.127.6 MbDownload*Register*More Info...
 Dispatcher Phoenix Healthcare Package9.127.6 MbDownload*Register*More Info...
 Dispatcher Phoenix Laserfiche Connector------Register*More Info...
 Dispatcher Phoenix Legal Package9.127.6 MbDownload*Register*More Info...
 Dispatcher Phoenix M-Files Connector9.127.6 MbDownload*Register*More Info...
 Dispatcher Phoenix Office Package9.127.6 MbDownload*Register*More Info...
 Dispatcher Phoenix Offload MFP Connectivity9.125.46 MbDownload*Register*More Info...
 Dispatcher Phoenix Offload Mobile Connectivity9.125.71 MbDownload*Register*More Info...
 Dispatcher Phoenix Offload WEB Connectivity9.125.39 MbDownload*Register*More Info...
 Dispatcher Phoenix Offload Workflow Processing (Advanced)9.125.54 MbDownload*Register*More Info...
 Dispatcher Phoenix Offload Workflow Processing (Basic)9.125.54 MbDownload*Register*More Info...
 Dispatcher Phoenix Release2Me+9.127.6 MbDownload*Register*More Info...
 Dispatcher Phoenix RightFax Connector9.127.6 MbDownload*Register*More Info...
 Dispatcher Phoenix ScanTrip9.127.6 MbDownload*Register*More Info...
 Dispatcher Phoenix Workstation1.0.145.79 MbDownload*Register*More Info...
 DP 2D Barcode Processing w/ OmniPage------Register*More Info...
 DP Advanced Bates Stamp------Register*More Info...
 DP Barcode Processing w/ OmniPage------Register*More Info...
 DP Batch Indexing Package (with 1 User License)------Register*More Info...
 DP Bubble Grader------Register*More Info...
 DP Convert to Microsoft Office w/ OmniPage------Register*More Info...
 DP Copy Defender------Register*More Info...
 DP Doc-Classifier------Register*More Info...
 DP Email Bundle------Register*More Info...
 DP Forms Processing------Register*More Info...
 DP Guardian Connector9.127.6 MbDownload*Register*More Info...
 DP HL7 Bundle------Register*More Info...
 DP KDK Generator & KDK-PDL Converter Bundle (for use with Kodak print files)------Register*More Info...
 DP OnBase Connector (requires additional Hyland OnBase license)------Register*More Info...
 DP PDF Processing Bundle------Register*More Info...
 DP Redact & Highlight/Strikeout Bundle------Register*More Info...
 DP Release2Me 3 Device License------Register*More Info...
 DP Rx Shield (for Secure Prescription printing)------Register*More Info...
 DP Windows Fax Connector9.127.6 MbDownload*Register*More Info...
 DP Worldox Connector------Register*More Info...
 OmniPage for Advanced OCR------Register*More Info...
 OmniPage for Convert to PDF------Register*More Info...

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