AccurioPro Connect > Add-Ins
Add-ins allow you to expand the capabilities of AccurioPro Connect. Below, you will find all of the available add-ins with a description of each and what additional functionality it brings to the main application. From each listing you may purchase, download and register the add-in.
AccurioPro Connect Book Builder Optional Bundle
The AccurioPro Connect Book Builder Bundle includes the following features:
- Tabs: Bookmarks: Insert tab sheets before all bookmarked pages.
- Tabs: Page Shift: Changes specified pages to tab sheets.
- Tabs: Predefined: Parses all pages of an input PDF and then searches for tab pages.
- Tabs: Merge PDFs: Merges all input PDF files and inserts a tab sheet before the first page of every PDF file.
- Tabs: Insert: Inserts tab sheets in a file.
- Bleed Tabs: Bookmarks: Adds bleed tabs based on tab text metadata.
- Bleed Tabs: Merge PDFs: Adda bleed tabs at the beginning of every merged file.
- Bleed Tabs: User Defined: Adds bleed tabs to a PDF file.
AccurioPro Connect Connectivity Optional Bundle
The AccurioPro Connect Connectivity Bundle includes the following features:
- JDF Converter: Converts parsed information from a JDF file to metadata.
- Job Ticket Generator: JSON: Creates file with corresponding Dispatcher Phoenix metadata values by using a mapping table file.
- Job Ticket Generator: XML: Creates file with corresponding Dispatcher Phoenix metadata values by using a mapping table file.
- Job Ticket Generator: JDF: Creates file with corresponding Dispatcher Phoenix metadata values by using a mapping table file.
AccurioPro Connect Power Tools Bundle
The AccurioPro Connect Power Tools Bundle includes the following features:
- Color Bar
- Ganging
- Excel Parser
- Collating Marks
AccurioPro Connect Flux Connector Optional Module
The AccurioPro Connect Flux Connector module sends processed output of a workflow to an AccurioFlux server.
AccurioPro Connect Upgrade Optional Bundle
The AccurioPro Connect Upgrade Bundle can be added to any edition of Dispatcher Phoenix and includes the following features:
- Job Ticket Editor
- Job Ticket Parser: CSV
- Job Ticket Parser: JSON
- Job Ticket Parser: XML
- Job Ticket Parser: JDF
- Color Route Vector PDF
- Page Size Route
- Preflight
- Imposition
- Trim Mark
- Crop PDF Pages
- Resize PDF Pages
- Move PDF Pages
- Delete PDF Pages
- Insert PDF Pages
- Duplicate PDF Pages
- Rotate PDF Content
- Shift PDF Pages
- HTTP Out
- AccurioPro Conductor Connector