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December 2022
Cloud Fax in Dispatcher Phoenix ScanTrip
Rethink Scan to Cloud Fax With Dispatcher Phoenix ScanTrip!

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Dispatcher® Paragon+ now offers a cloud fax extension in addition to the core function of centralized print management — allowing you to reduce print, copy, and fax costs. To better utilize the fax capabilities of Dispatcher Paragon+, Konica Minolta introduced the Cloud Fax Connector.
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Mass App Configuration in MarketPlace
Cloud-based App Management - Install and Edit MarketPlace Apps Remotely
Copy an app's configuration settings to hundreds of devices in just a few clicks! The new Mass App Configuration feature is free with your MarketPlace account.
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DP Simulator
Dispatcher Phoenix Simulators - The Ultimate Sales Tool!
Show your customers what Dispatcher Phoenix looks like on an MFP - without ever needing to install the application or connect to a physical MFP! Dispatcher Phoenix offers 3 different simulators to allow you to showcase the solution’s scan workflow capabilities anywhere and anytime.
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Shield Guard Policies
Best Practices for Creating Shield Guard Policies
While Shield Guard makes it easy to modify your existing security policies, having a plan when creating policies will reduce the number of changes you need to make once you begin to assign policies to devices. Click here for tips from Shield Guard experts on setting up policies.
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