Dispatcher Phoenix Version 6.3
Copyright (C) Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. 2017
All Rights Reserved

Dispatcher Phoenix Version 6.3
Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. and the Solutions
Engineering Center have made every effort to provide you with
a quality product. However, if you find any issues with the
software, please contact us at sec@kmbs.konicaminolta.us.

Please consult the README.txt file for installation procedures.

*** New Features ***

- New Web Help System. This release introduces a newly designed, comprehensive 
  web help system that complements the Dispatcher Phoenix Web user interface. 
  Dispatcher Phoenix's integrated web help system provides detailed information 
  about the application, including reference material, tutorials, trouble-shooting, 
  user interface instructions, and other resources - all accessible from the 
  application via a web browser. Features include full search capabilities with 
  type ahead functionality and a task-oriented organization with a left-hand 
  menu bar and commonly referenced help topics on the landing page. 

- New Web Help Domain Name. The following new domain name for Dispatcher Phoenix 
  Help has been created to easily remember/access from outside the application: 


*** Enhancements/Changes ***

- Unified Installer and ISO. This release introduces a single unified installer
  and ISO for all Dispatcher Phoenix vertical-market editions.

- Platform Changes. Platform changes were implemented to support the new  
  Web Help System.

- Additional Help. The MFP Registration tool now supports context sensitive help 
  in both English and Japanese languages.

- Additional Help Translations. The following applications/tools have been updated 
  to support context sensitive help in the Japanese language:
    * Add-In Manager
    * Workflow Service Manager
    * Dispatcher Phoenix MFP Simulator
    * SMTP Manager
    * LPR Manager

*** Issues Fixed ***

- The Add-In Manager was updated to support re-installing Demo licenses within 
  the 30 day limit to account for any previous installation failures.

- Missing translations for the Barcode Generator Tool were added. 

- Other minor bug fixes.